Warren Buffet got $1.4 Billion on his invesment from Bank of America Corp. It shows that Bank of America Chief was willing to pay for Buffet as an investor. That makes Buffet got a reputation as on of the best investors. He also got other support from it. This is just the first day.
No doubt about it, Buffet is the one of the successful businessmen in the world. He recieved a lot of money every year. Now, the economic trend of world is not very good because of the financial crisis over the world. Many companies close down because they do not have enough money to make the company keep going. The problem for us is the prices of almost everything are more and more high. Buffet can still got so much money from bank.
Keoun, Bradley, Donal Griffin, Michael J. Moore, and David Scheer. "Buffett’s BofA Stakes Net $1.4B on First Day." Finansial Post, 25 Aug. 2011. Web. 25 Aug. 2011.